Chapter 2: Needs assessment-based planning process (2)

1.Needs assessment.
2.Developing specific spaces and square footage program.
3.Issuing a Request for Qualifications (RFQ).
4.Short list the design firms that respond to the RFQ.
5.Issuing Request for Proposals (RFP) from short-listed firms.
6.Interviewing short-listed design firms.
7.Selecting the design firm.
8.Conducting and discussing additional case studies (optional).
9.Revisiting the specific spaces and square footage program.
10.Developing design concepts.
11.Developing a Schematic1 Design (SD).
12.Design development.
13.Construction documents.
14.Bidding the project.
15.Construction contract administration and construction observation.
16.Building acceptance and certificate of occupancy.
17.Post-occupancy evaluation.

  1. schematic: 當形容詞指「示意的」,當名詞時指「示意圖」。例如捷運路線圖、電路圖、甚至是選舉時用來顯示每區得票率的台灣地圖,都是 “schematic”,用來簡化各種細節,專注傳達重要的資訊。 ↩︎
圖中用了schematic 這個字 (圖片來源:台北捷運路網圖)

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