Chapter 1: Introduction (7)

Chapter 3 discusses all aspects of site selection and its impact on member safety, as well as safety of the public. There is information on how to work with the community in getting approvals and acceptance for the preferred site. There is also discussion on the potential pitfalls1 of free sites. (P.8)

Chapter 8 is an overview of compliance of funding issues2 that confront fire and emergency services organizations. (P.9)

The architect alone cannot design a safe fire station. It takes the involvement and combined effort3 of the administration and emergency response personnel to design a safe, healthy and functional facility.

  1. potential pitfalls: pitfall 指沒注意到的陷阱,故 potential pitfalls 最道地的中文翻譯即「潛在的坑」 ↩︎
  2. funding issues: 直觀地指「經費的問題」,常會聽到這個非常高頻的句子”the most pressing issues that we face”(我們面臨的急迫問題…) ↩︎
  3. combined effort: 直譯為「集結起來的努力」,意即大家一起努力完成某事。 ↩︎

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