Chapter 2: Needs assessment-based planning process (7)

The community — Community involvement, especially from the very beginning of the process, is crucial. Citizens will want to ensure that the station does not affect the local community in detrimental ways1, such as providing pedestrian safety hazards, noise, or an appearance inconsistent with the aesthetics of the neighborhood. Noise and aesthetics are especially important to the neighborhood. Their participation in the building committee is essential. It bears repeating2 that the interior of the facility belongs to the organization, but the exterior belongs to the community. (P.18)

  1. in detrimental ways: detrimental 意指「有害的」,整段話可以翻譯成「居民會希望消防分隊不會對居家附近有不好的影響」。 ↩︎
  2. bears repeating: 指「允許一再地重複(說…)」,指某件事很重要,它值得不厭其煩地一再重複述說。 ↩︎

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